EV charging incentives

EV Charging Grants and Incentives in California

Find the best electric vehicle charging grants, incentives, tax credits or rebate programs for network operators curated by AMPECO's EV charging policy experts

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Get expert advice from the Policy team at AMPECO

Understanding EV grants and incentives and how to capitalize on them can be challenging. Let AMPECO’s Policy Team provide you with expert advice to help you make the most of these opportunities.

Powering the Valley with Charge Up!: San Joaquin EV Charging Program - The San Joaquin Valley Air District's Charge Up! Electric Vehicle Charger Incentive Program is driving forward with incentives to facilitate the purchase of new, eligible Level 2 and 3 electric vehicle (EV) chargers. This initiative not only advocates for cleaner, alternative-fuel technologies but also actively supports the integration of low- or zero-emission vehicles in the San Joaquin Valley.