Wisconsin is embracing the shift towards electric vehicles (EVs) with the implementation of the Wisconsin Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (WEVI) Program. This initiative, spearheaded by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT), aims to expand the state’s EV charging infrastructure to support the growing number of electric vehicles on Wisconsin roads. By providing funding and support for the installation of EV charging stations, the WEVI Program plays a crucial role in facilitating the transition to sustainable transportation in Wisconsin.

Understanding the WEVI Program

At its core, the WEVI Program is designed to address the critical need for EV charging infrastructure across the state. The program focuses on designated Electric Vehicle Alternative Fuel Corridors (AFCs), strategically targeting areas where EV charging stations are most needed to support long-distance travel and promote EV adoption. The WEVI Program aims to accelerate the deployment of EV charging stations and build a robust charging network that spans the state through federal funding and private sector partnerships. 

Key components of the WEVI program

To qualify for funding under the WEVI Program, proposals must meet specific criteria outlined by WisDOT. Eligible expenses include pre-construction work, installation costs, and maintenance of EV charging infrastructure. Private entities are the primary recipients of funding, aligning with federal regulations that prohibit public entities from bidding on WEVI Program projects. This focus on private sector involvement ensures compliance with federal guidelines while promoting innovation and competition in the EV charging market. For those interested in participating in the WEVI Program, it’s essential to note that the deadline for submission of applications is open until April 1, 2024. This deadline provides interested parties with ample time to prepare and submit proposals for consideration.

While the WEVI Program presents significant opportunities for advancing Wisconsin’s electric mobility goals, it also faces several challenges. Limited funding, regulatory complexities, and the uneven distribution of charging stations across the state are among the key obstacles to overcome. However, these challenges also serve as catalysts for innovation and collaboration. By addressing funding constraints, streamlining regulatory processes, and promoting public-private partnerships, Wisconsin can overcome these challenges and realize the full potential of its EV charging infrastructure.

Looking ahead

As technology continues to evolve and EV adoption rates rise, the future of Wisconsin’s electric mobility landscape looks promising. The WEVI Program, coupled with strategic partnerships and federal funding, is poised to drive significant growth in the state’s EV charging network. In the financial year 2023, Wisconsin will receive $16,753,057, followed by $16,753,173 for FY 2024, providing substantial resources to support the expansion of EV infrastructure. By investing in innovative solutions, expanding access to charging infrastructure, and fostering collaboration among stakeholders, Wisconsin can position itself as a leader in sustainable transportation. With these funding allocations in place, the state is well-equipped to accelerate the transition to electric mobility and build a greener, more resilient transportation system.

The WEVI Program represents a critical step forward in Wisconsin’s journey towards sustainable transportation. By investing in EV charging infrastructure and promoting private sector participation, the program lays the foundation for a cleaner, greener future. With the deadline for applications fast approaching, now is the time for stakeholders to seize the opportunity and contribute to Wisconsin’s electric mobility revolution. 


Ivelina Kadiri

Policy Compliance Manager

About the author

Ivelina is a trend-seeking policy compliance manager who skillfully navigates complex regulatory landscapes and bridges the gap between sustainable transportation goals and actionable implementation.